Mayfield East Public School

We grow and learn together

Telephone02 4968 1495


English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Language is the primary means by which we relate to others and is central to the intellectual, social and emotional development of all students. Students’ access the English language through spoken, written and visual texts of varying complexity through which meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted and reflected.

The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.


The aim of English in Years K–10 is to enable students to understand and use language effectively. Students learn to appreciate, reflect on and enjoy language, and make meaning in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive, critical and powerful.


Mayfield East Public School teachers and students use language to explore and analyse how language works in different contexts such as:

·          Computer graphics

·          Text forms

·          Written and/or typed letters

·          Multi media

·          Novels

·          Film studies

·          Public speaking

·          Debating

·          Explicit studies of texts

Through learning about language in context and the conventions used in language, students will develop the skills and knowledge to enable them to be confident literate learners in our society.

Mayfield East Public School addresses the three major strands of literacy of

·          Talking and listening

·          Reading

·          Writing



InitiaLit is an evidence-based whole-class literacy program providing all children with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers. InitiaLit is a three-year program, covering the first three years of school (Kindergarten to Year 2) and is being implemented into our early years classrooms.


SpellEx is a whole-class spelling program. SpellEx provides instruction in grapheme choices, useful rules and conventions, morphology and key spelling terminology. By growing and consolidating their phonological, orthographic and morphological knowledge, SpellEx helps students make the right decisions when spelling words. The SpellEx programs are ebing utlised throughout our 3-6 classes to help support our students spelling and writing conventions across the whole cirriuclum.

Meeting Initial Needs In Literacy – MiniLit-

The MiniLit program supports teachers explicitly and effectively model reading skills to students. MiniLit targets students who require extra support to assist them to work towards achieving Stage outcomes. Within these small group sessions, students work with a teacher to develop their knowledge of sounds, words and ability to read more complex texts at an increased independent level.

The three main features of the program are:

·          Phonics/word attack skills

·          Sight word recognition

·          Supported reading in a one on one context (texts are matched to the child after an instructional benchmark is established)


Nightly Reading Program:

Mayfield East Public School promotes nightly reading through ongoing purchasing of suitable texts catering for the needs and abilities of all students.  Students are benchmarked to ensure appropriate matching to text levels and nightly reading activity is recorded in a nightly reading handbook.

Premiers Reading Challenge:

Mayfield East Public School is an active participant due to the quality of the texts selected for the challenge.  It enables students to set goals in regard to the number of books read and they receive encouragement to participate in the reading of texts selected for their quality.

This program is co-ordinated by the school's literacy co-ordinator and librarian.

Learning and Support Teacher - LsT:

This teacher works closely with classroom teachers to support the development of individual or group activities targeted to identified student’s needs. The LsT also supports teachers through assessment in literacy and numeracy.

Assessment and Reporting:

Reporting procedures are according to the Department of Education and Training guidelines and are completed twice a year.  Parents are able to request an interview to discuss their child's progress through the front office.